Welcome to a collection of case studies detailing the business models of a range of open access (OA) academic book presses.
This collection was brought together by Lucy Barnes of Open Book Publishers and François van Schalkwyk of African Minds. It is intended to document the diverse ways that presses in different parts of the world have set up and now maintain their open access operations. The presses included have devised their own approaches to tackle the challenges of publishing OA books; they are structured in different ways in a variety of national and, in some cases, institutional contexts. We hope that these case studies help to illustrate the reasons behind the choices made by the presses, as well as detailing the models themselves.
Some were gathered in February 2022 by Lucy and François, and some were collected in April 2021 by Agata Morka as part of an OPERAS project exploring innovative business models for open access books. We are delighted that the OPERAS case studies have found a home here.
The aims of the collection and the broader issues it reflects were discussed at an OASPA webinar on 20 January 2022 (recording available).
The aim is that this will be an evolving collection; if your press is not represented here and you would like it to be, you are warmly invited to review our template questionnaire and to contact Lucy ([email protected]) or François ([email protected]) to discuss this further.
Website credits: Book icon created by Freepik - Flaticon; website banner image photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash; case study banner image photo by James Lee on Unsplash; preview image photo by Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash.